AR Lab Research Projects

Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of a Community Health Worker Program on Hearing Loss (Oyendo Bien)

Spanish Button

Age-related Changes in Speech Perception and Speech Production (with Robin Samlan, PhD, CCC-SLP)

Noise Poster


Characteristics of Hearing Ability and their Associations with Hearing Health Care Utilization, Health Status, and Social Support Among Adults in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos

Evaluation of Group Audiologic Rehabilitation at The University of Arizona


Student Research Projects in the AR Lab

Undergraduate Students

Thelma Scott - Are there Health Disparities Among American Indians/Alaska Natives Living with Hearing Loss in Arizona?

AuD Students

Sarah Beatty - Hearing Loop Study

Alexa Bullard - Translation Methods for Patient Education Materials in Audiology

Emily Leedy - Stages of Change Among Clients in the UArizona Hearing Clinic

Amber Sulharia - Examining Pathways to Hearing Screenings in Geriatric Primary Care Practice

PhD Students

Alyssa (Everett) Davidson, AuD - Can Auditory Processing Predict Hearing Aid Satisfaction? (PhD dissertation, defense April 10, 2020)

Laura Coco, AuD - CONEXIONES - a Teleaudiology Study (PhD dissertation, F32 award from NIH)

Research Collaborations

Oyendo Bien - Maia Ingram, MPH, Scott Carvajal, PhD, Jill de Zapien, Arizona Prevention Research Center, Sonia Colina, PhD, National Center on Interpretation, Julia Fisher, PhD, BIO5 Institute, Mariposa Community Health Center

Oyendo Bien

Baltimore Hears

Baltimore HEARS - Carrie Nieman, MD, MPH, Jon Suen, AuD, and Frank Lin, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Engagement Award

Building Research Capacity on Hearing Loss Interventions in Hispanic/Latinx Communities - with co-Project Lead David Lee, PhD, University of Miami, Aileen Wong, AuD, CCC-A University of Arizona, and Brendaly Rodriguez, MA, CPH, University of Miami (PCORI EA#15629)
